Conrad Limbaugh Award for Scientific Diving Leadership Award

Presented annually to an individual who has made a significant contribution in diving safety and diving leadership on behalf of the scientific diving community.
Nominations for this award will be open in 2024

Who is eligible to be nominated?
Open to any active member of the American Academy of Underwater Sciences. Current BOD Members are not eligible during their term of office.

Who can submit a nomination?
The AAUS general membership is solicited for and eligible to submit nominations. 

How are awardees selected?
Awards are voted by the AAUS general membership.

Nomination Guidelines: 
Step 1: To begin the nomination process, provide the following no later than October 30th via the form below:
a) Nominee Name, Address, and Email 
b) Justification: Highlight major accomplishments relevant to the advancement of  underwater science and research which makes  your nominee a good candidate for this award.  (Not to exceed 500 words)

Step 2: Once the nomination form is received, the nominator and Awards committee will work with the nominee to provide the following no later than November 30th:
a) Nominee Photo 
b) Biographical sketch of nominee’s career  (Not to exceed 2500 words - Template  )
c) 3-5 Letters of Recommendation - all letters should be strong, detailed, and substantive, using the guidelines below: 
Letter writers must state how they know the nominee.
A Nominator may write one of the letters (it will count toward the total number of letters).
All recommendations must be written by individuals who know the Nominee personally and are able to address the Nominee's credentials from personal knowledge.
Letters should preferably be written on letterhead, and the letter writers must give their full identity and credentials or affiliation.
Letters must be dated in the current year.

Award Nominee Form

Deadline to submit form is October 30.  

You must be logged in to submit.  Click here  to submit a nominee.

You must provide complete information for each nominee submitted.
Nominee Name, Address and Email
Nominee Photo
Justification for award (short explanation)
Document (word or pdf) that includes bio sketch

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