AAUS Emeritus DSO Award

At the 2023 AAUS Symposium, the Academy announced the establishment of a new award intended to recognize Diving Safety Officers who have served 20 years or more in the scientific diving community and are retired from their primary DSO position.
Thank you for your service to scientific divers and the AAUS community!

The benefits of the Emeritus DSO award are still in development but include:

*Community recognition via Emeritus Award title
*Ongoing communication via the AAUS E-slate and access to DSO-listserve
*Eligibility for discounted symposium registration
*Membership upgrade to a Lifetime Member of the Academy  (* upon AAUS Bylaws changes, 2024)

2023 Inaugural Class
Self submitted biographies are linked to each name as they become available. 

Additionally, AAUS is working on collecting Oral Histories for as many of our Emeriti and historical members as possible.  If an Emeritus also has a recorded oral history, those will be linked to the right of their name.  All other Oral History recordings can be found here .

If you would like to submit a bio or an oral history, please contact the AAUS office.


 Jeff Bozanic Danny Gouge John Reed
 Frank Chapman John Heine Rick Riera-Gomez
 Steve Clabuesch Stephen Jewett Terry Rioux
 Michael Dardeau Ken Johns Glenn Safritt
 William Dent Doug Kesling Phil Sharkey
 Joe Dobarro Michael Lang Gregg Stanton
Henry Fasteneau Ted Maney Sam Sublett
 Mark Flahan Dan Orr  Gavin Wuttken