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National Scientific Diving Day Celebration

The 40th anniversary of the OSHA Scientific Diving Exemption is the week of November 22nd. AAUS would like to honor the anniversary by deeming it National Scientific Diving Day and we are asking AAUS programs to help us get divers in the water to celebrate all week. Our documentation of those celebratory dives is two pronged. First, in hopes of spreading a broader acknowledgement of what science divers do, we would like to flood social media. Send your pictures and videos to us or post them on your own social media platforms tagging us and using @aaus.scientific.diving #aaus #aausscientificdiving #scientificdiving. Secondly, as we would like to make this an annual event, we'd like to collect basic statistics of divers in the water, using this simple collection form. . Let's get in the water and celebrate getting to do what we all love to do!  

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