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2023 DSO Remuneration Survey

Relative pay level for Diving Safety Officers (DSO) has long been a topic difficult to discuss for a variety of reasons. Confidentiality, cost of living differences and job descriptions that include mixed positions have made it difficult for the DSO community to make valid professional comparisons. The first remuneration survey in the AAUS community was completed in 2010. This survey is meant to update those results by repeating those same initial questions and potentially better define some aspects of job complexity by including a few new ones. The intent is to provide DSOs and their employers with a useful tool to evaluate remuneration for this professional position. Results of this survey will be discussed at the 2023 AAUS National Diving Safety Officers meeting on April 27, 2023. DSOs can complete the survey at https://forms.gle/jz4tDtRqnBf7TbpY6  

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